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The Accident Claimline Blog

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Teenager’s bone cancer misdiagnosed as sports injury

A 16-year-old girl was told by her GP on ten separate occasions that the pain she was experiencing was simply a sports injury. Melissa Sutton, from Rochdale in Lancashire, was a keen trampoliner when she first visited her GP with pain in her ribs. Ho...
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2173 Hits

Misdiagnosis leaves mother with days to live

33-year-old Kaley Fitzsimmons has issued an appeal after doctors blamed the symptoms of her cancer on ‘over-exercising’ after giving birth. Ms Fitzsimmons gave birth to her daughter in April of last year, after years of thinking she would be unable t...
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2087 Hits

Hospital due to pay out millions

East Kent Hospitals NHS Trust is facing a compensation payout of millions of pounds after a couple recognised that medical negligence was responsible for their son’s autism. Ben Harman’s parents are taking the trust to court with the belief that thei...
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2167 Hits

12-year-old wins £120,000 over swine-flu jab

A 12-year-old boy has been awarded £120,000 in compensation after a swine flu vaccination left him severely disabled. Iain Duncan Smith finally lost the three-year legal battle last week, described as a ‘landmark ruling’ that could open a number of c...
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2232 Hits

Legal test case could cost NHS millions

The husband of Julie Ronayne has won thousands of pounds in compensation for nervous shock after witnessing his wife’s severe peritonitis following a botched operation. It was heard in court that Edward Ronayne suffered a severe psychiatric injury af...
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2503 Hits

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